Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

 I never considered myself to be much of a creator, since I am not particularly talented at drawing, painting, and sculpting. But as I matured, I realized that I am extremely creative just in a different aspect. I love to read and write, and I always have ever since I can remember. I am a creative writer. I have always excelled inside and outside of academia in those areas. I am often asked to proofread or edit others' writing. As a young girl I entered many essay contests and won. I wrote an essay for a friend of mine to win a full scholarship into cosmetology school, and it considerably attributed to her being the scholarship recipient. I get lost in words; the words jump off of the page. and my eyes light up whenever I am writing or reading. It is second nature to me, no different from riding a bike or brushing your teeth. I was never overwhelmed when given a lengthy page assignment, at times I would often have to learn to be more concise to prevent exceeding the page limit. I love to write poetry, fiction, and nonfiction alike. To date I have published 8 books/journals, write blogs for my own website, have been a featured blogger for various publications, and serve as the Editor in Chief for The She Wins Society Blog. I have yet to win a Pulitzer Prize for my literary achievements but there is no doubt in my mind that it is on the way!

Photo retrieved from Google

Photo retrieved from Google

I really enjoy reading self-help, inspirational/motivational books these days as I am always striving for personal growth. Yet I can get lost in a romance or mystery novel just the same. I loved receiving a voucher for Pizza Hut in elementary school for reading a certain number of books. I recall back when I was a freshman in high school, I read the Coldest Winter Ever written by Sister Souljah on a weekend, and it's over 350 pages long. It was filled with intense suspense I could not help but to keep turning the pages. Before I knew it had come to an end. I was devastated because I was yearning to read more. From that moment forward I began collecting books of various genres. I still dream of having a huge library in my home, similar to the one in Beauty & The Beast of all the books I have read, desire to read, and plan to reread.

Currently I have lost track of the number of books and journals that I have. I have a kindle that I never use anymore, yet I utilize the kindle app on my mobile device heavily. I often tell myself I will not buy any more books, and often go back on my word because the title captivates me. And once that happens, I have got to have it. I am definitely addicted to buying books, and I am not in the least bit ashamed. Reading and writing takes me on an adventure that is full of exhilaration. It takes me to places I have never been before, and once I arrive; I hate to leave. It provides me with a natural high that I am enamored to experience again. and again

Photo retrieved from Instagram

Photo retrieved from Instagram

I said all this to say that God has placed core gifts, talents and abilities in all of us, and they are expressed in a variety of ways. Do not discount the core gifts, talents, and abilities that he designated to you. Sure, there are many writers, artists, painters and sculptors. Yet each one of them expresses their creative genius in their own way. It does not matter what someone else is doing, they could never do it like you if you remain true to yourself. You are one idea away from your breakthrough. Create your heart out, and the more you create you will garner greater visibility. In other words, continue planting, tending, gardening and before you know it you will reap a bountiful harvest.

Photo retrieved From Instagram

Photo retrieved From Instagram

Prime example Tabitha Brown, I absolutely love Auntie Tab, her spirit is so genuine and refreshing! I recently watched a recent episode of Black Love, where she revealed that she has been an aspiring actress for 15 years and she thought she would have arrived back in 2009, and she is really just beginning to see her dreams manifest! No matter how long it takes, never give up, continue striving towards success your time is coming! The world is waiting on you to stop playing it safe and tap into your creative genius with the utmost vitality. The process for your core gifts to mature and manifest requires great patience, a shifted perspective, unresolved resilience, sheer grit, and exponential growth.

β€œ God desires to see his creativity exercised in his creations. His intention is for the seeds placed inside us to grow, develop, and mature, and maximize our growth. Our current world, however, demands hurriedly produced results, and many of us have despised the day of small beginnings found in seeds.”
— Bishop T. D. Jakes