As a girl I cannot count how many times I have heard that girls should be seen and not heard or speak when spoken to. Another similar statement we have probably all heard before is “this is a man’s world.” And these statements always baffled me because I believe that as women our voices matter and deserve to be heard. Our voices should not be silenced, and our power shouldn’t be stifled. As a well-being advocate for girls and women I say what better time than now to eradicate misogyny and going along with the status quo by turning the pressures we receive from society into our power. And Olympic and World Champion Allyson Felix would agree!
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Allyson Felix spoke up and spoke out to ensure that women Nike athletes would not be penalized for pregnancy, and the company told her to know her place. Felix has since transformed the lemons she received from Nike into lemonade and stated her place is wherever she wants it to be! She recently launched Saysh, a brand athletic footwear for women, by women which represents hope, acceptance, and the power to create change.
Photo retrieved from Instagram.com
Felix recently earned her 5th Olympic berth in her very own athletic brand spikes. Many may have forgotten Felix, but she has come back stronger than ever, and she is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Allyson is definitely betting on herself in the face of gender injustice because its more than running. You too should always bet on yourself. It is our purpose while on this earth to pave the way for those who come after us, leaving them the footprints to walk in. Someone paved the way for us, and we too should pay it forward.
Photo retrieved from Instagram.com
Giving life is beautiful and as women we can have it all, if that is what we desire! I’m rooting for her and screaming from the mountain tops “Yes girl Yes!” Nike financially punished Felix because she did not meet performance standards while pregnant. They wanted to pay her 70% less than before the pregnancy. The audacity!!! I applaud her for her courage and tenacity to keep going no matter what. She is a prime example of building your own table when you were not welcomed at others. Always remember when others count you out, they cannot count. It isn’t a reflection of you, but reflects them, and the miscounting will definitely cost!
““Here I am, using my voice to create change for us as women, and for us as mothers, and for all the women who want to be mothers. So here I am. I know my place. ”