I was blessed with the opportunity to meet SheNesia Ewing at the Momma Needs a Break Retreat hosted by Nisha Hopkins this past July in Montego Bay, Jamaica as she and I were both speakers. Her love, light, and energy were everything.

It is with great pleasure that I highlight Mrs. SheNesia (Nesi) Ewing, a Certified International Transitional Life Coach, empowerment speaker, and author. She currently holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Masters in Sports & Health Science. She is currently working on her Doctorate in Psychology.


Life Coach Nesi started Uncovering the New U, LLC in 2010 and completed the Dimensioned Wellness Life Coaching School Program in June 2016. As a Life Coach, Nesi envisioned herself teaching women how to transition into their desired transformation through changing their perspective of how they see, react, and resolve the challenges of life. By changing your mind to change your circumstances U will then be able to Uncover the New U. She recently launched her transition university called Dreamers U, which her signature 7-week program called, “Uncovering a Purpose and Passion” provides 7 solution-oriented empowerment techniques, life skills, & empowerment to find self.

She is the author of “Uncovering The New U, Change your mind, Change your circumstances,” a Health and Wellness writer in the Life Coach Network Magazine, a contributor to the book, “I Want to Quit my Job: 8 Entrepreneurial Tips for Massive Results While Employed”. She has been featured in Dimensioned Wellness Newsletters, Life Coach Network "Coaches Scope", selected as Wellness Life Coach of the Year, Interviewed for Dear Pinq YouTube channel, and Beauty Life and Wellness for Health & Wellness Blogs and fitness tips, in addition to multiple podcasts, and radio stations. She has been invited to events in Atlanta, GA, Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, and Texas.


Most recently Life Coach Nesi has been motivating and sharing her expertise globally. She has visited Dubai UAE, Paris, France, and preparing for her third international debut in Johannesburg, Africa in 2019. She recently launched her DreamersU Network to connect transitioning & transforming minds to share tools on how to handle adversity through changing perspective.

SheNesia is undoubtedly a phenomenal woman making an impact in her family, career and community. Shenesia’s fearless mindset and unparalleled drive is sure to inspire you. I contacted her for an interview, and the answers are sure to inspire you.

1. How has your past prepared you for a winning future? 

My past experiences have set me up for a winning future by allowing me to learn the value of taking advantage of opportunities when they come your way, learning to be humble, and learning when enough is enough and it is time to do something different to get different results. 

 2. What is a sign that you prayed to God for while striving for greatness? 

In my conversations with God, I only asked for two things: clarity and strength. I needed to be clear on the vision and the intent of the mission he had sent me on. I didn't know what I was doing with the many certifications, classes, and just adventures I had set on. I needed to know that I wasn't acting on my own accord but His. And strength. I knew that transition requires a lot of work. I needed the strength to keep going. Trying to carry a load of hurt, disappointment, and pain with U when U are trying to change doesn't always make it easy to keep going. So, I needed him to just provide me with the strength to keep going, stay the course, and trust the order of my life. 

 3. When are you most productive? 

Good question. I am a “work under pressure” kind of girl LOL. I work so well under pressure knowing I have deadlines and times that I must meet. I don't like to be late, I don't like to be on time, I like early.

 4. What is something that you kept putting off, due to fear, that you discovered wasn’t that bad at all once you adopted a fearless attitude? 

Giving myself PERMISSION to be successful. As a single mother, I kept saying I had to put my son first in everything. I had to circle my life around him and while he is doing well and had what he needed, I was unhappy, and I was STILL. When I gave myself permission to grow with him that is when things changed in my life. I didn't listen to the many people that said it wasn't about me anymore, that if I wasn't successful before I had him, I would never be. THAT WAS A LIE. No one ever said my son and I couldn't do this thing together and we did.

 5. What is a life lesson that you learned that impacted your life in a positive manner? 

If U do not see value in yourself and what U do no one else will. 

 6. How do you begin and end your days? 

I wake up to meditate, I pray, I stretch, and I kiss my husband and son. 

 7. What is your greatest accomplishment to this date?

WOW, my greatest accomplishments I must name two; Betting on me and in preparation to complete my Doctorate Degree in Psychology.

 8. How has your mindset fueled your success?

I changed my mind to change my circumstances. I do not doubt my ability anymore. I do not doubt the possibilities that can happen. I think positive no matter the situation and I change what I can and leave alone what I cannot. I no longer dwell on those that are negative and do not involve myself in anything that is not intentional. 

9. What strategies have you implemented to ensure victory? 

 Dedication, Discipline, and Determination

 10. If you could be any age forever, what age would you be? 

 35 years old

 11. What is your definition of a winning woman? Name some winning women that have influenced you and why you found them to be influential.

My definition of a winning woman would be any woman that continues through adversity, that just won't quit. She is the woman U see doing whatever it takes to get what she wants. Some winning women in my life include my mother Delores Hopkins, Mattie Lawrence (my grandmother), Audrey Battle (my mother in Christ), Tyesha Walker (my best friend), Tina London Fore (my best friend) and Dominique Williams (close friend).

12. What is one of your greatest strengths? 

 Communication (I do not sugarcoat anything).

 13. How do you find harmony in being a winning wife, mom and entrepreneur?

To be honest, I pencil everyone in on the calendar. I know it sounds wrong, but I am making time for clients so I must make time for family, friends, and myself. Everyone has a time slot on my calendar and when I update my schedule, I block those times off to ensure I am not busy or forget about things that we are supposed to be doing. I communicate with my family about where I am in my career. They are on this journey with me and are very supportive. 

14. What is your driving force when you are ready to call it quits?  

Remembering when I didn't have the workload I have now that is bringing in income, the responsibility of having clients, speaking engagements, and international events, or when I couldn't see past the struggles of life. This keeps me going to know how far I have come and how far I can go. 

15. What do you like to do as a form of self-care daily?  

Daily, I do yoga. 

16. How has facilitating your healing attributed to your wins?  

Yoga is so peaceful to the mind and body. Connecting with self heightens your awareness of where U are mentally and releasing anything that could be toxic to growth internally. It brings clarity to the mind also.  

Bonus: What would you like readers to know about you? How can they get in contact with you?  

I am an 18-year veteran, International Speaker, Life Coach, and Author. I am the author of Uncovering the New U, Change your mind Change your Circumstances. It is a memoir of my life where I explain how I had to stop and take a moment to look back at the many times I told myself I can't, I didn't know how, and denied myself of taking the first step towards success. U can find out how I was able to be an OVERCOMER while still being mom, student, soldier, wife, and NOW business owner!  

Facebook: www.facebook.com/lifecoachnesi

Instagram: www.instagram.com/lifecoachnesi

Email: info@authornesiewing.com 

Website: www.AuthorNesiEwing.com

Dominique Williams