I was blessed with the opportunity to meet Dequonna Wise this past Saturday at Tony Gaskins Jr.’s Life Coaching Certification Program in Atlanta, Georgia, as she and I both completed Tony’s certification program and are currently certified life coaches. While at the program, Tony spoke about how Dequonna was willing to do the work and as a result, she is now a trainer for Tony Gaskins Life Coaching Academy. I was able to witness Dequonna’s selflessness firsthand as she offered all of the attendees at the certification program one free coaching session, which is valued at $75.00.

It is with great pleasure that I highlight Dequonna Wise, an international-selling author, motivational speaker, certified life coach/mentor, and professional event planner.


After her own unexpected challenges and experiences, she realized that her journey was necessary to fulfill her purpose of inspiring and educating others. In 2014, Dequonna went through a life crisis when she lost everything, (job, marriage, money, and faith) forcing her to move in with her parents and raise her two children on a small savings. She had little hope to fulfill any dream.

Dequonna's passion for coaching was initially sparked when she witnessed life coach Tony Gaskins Jr. on a reality TV show in 2014. The work he did with his client was the same work Dequonna found joy in when encouraging and inspiring others. She never knew exactly what to call it until that moment.

In 2015, Dequonna began putting her life back together with the help of a great support system. Empowering others was the real hero, she always felt complete when posting her inspiration on social media or giving advice to someone dealing with adversity. She knew she had a calling on her life and it came in the form of wisdom. Dequonna spent a lot of time in prayer and following inspirational speakers. She also constantly listened to Tony Gaskins Jr., Zig Zegler, Iyanla Vanzant, and her spiritual confidant, which happens to be her Dad, who beat the odds and turned his life around.

She realized it was time to stop running and embrace her passion for inspiring on a higher level. Dequonna started a blog and within 3 months of blogging, she had over 14,000 views. Fans wrote in daily to thank her for the encouragement. She researched being a life coach and accepted the calling.

In 2017, Dequonna decided to become a certified life coach through the Tony Gaskins Jr. Life Coaching Certification Academy and shortly after, she became a mentee of Tony’s.

Dequonna understands that we are constantly growing and evolving. However, with the right tools and coaches, the journey is a lot easier! Today, she supports individuals and groups in answering the questions: “Who am I, What do I want, and How do I get it?” Dequonna's coaching style combines life experiences with the principles of finding your purpose in life. She is passionate about supporting people to get out of suffering and limitation and into fulfillment. Essentially, she helps people “Become their best selves!”

Dequonna is undeniably a remarkable woman assisting others to fulfill their God-given purpose. Dequonna’s wisdom, experiences, passion and purpose is sure to motivate you. I contacted her for an interview, and the answers are sure to empower you.

How has your mindset fueled your success?

I did a paradigm shift about five years ago, my mindset immediately caught up with my passion. Now that I’m focused on why I’m here, my success has taken off. 

What is a challenge that you've overcome that you once thought would be impossible?

I don’t necessarily think I’ve ever thought that anything was impossible, but I had to overcome caring about what people thought of me. I was such a “people pleaser”. I wanted to make everyone happy. This actually left me feeling very insecure. I thought if I said “no” I wouldn’t be liked, but I was taken advantage of a lot because of this. But no more! That girl doesn’t exist anymore!  

What do you believe is your greatest strength?

Discernment and influencing positive results. 


What paradigm shift had to occur for you to become the winning woman you are today?

I had to let go of some people, and even the way I saw situations. My surroundings had to change in order for me to truly tap into who I was as  a woman. I met the “real me” at the age of 30 and never looked back. 

If you could tell your younger self anything what would it be?

Be confident in your “Yes” and firm with your “No”.

How did you deal with the lack of support from your hometown?

Honestly, it was heartbreaking to me when I noticed that I didn’t get much support from home. I would be lying if I told you I didn’t care, but after I really began to take off on this journey, I gained clarity. I understood that it wasn’t about them not wanting to support me, and more about them not understanding the shift in my life. I could no longer let that be a distraction nor a feeling that bothered me.

How did coaching with Tony Gaskins Jr. impact your life?

I don’t know if there’s enough words to answer this (lol). I began following Tony Gaskins in 2014. Having Tony as a mentor CHANGED my life! I am now walking in my purpose and that alone is priceless. After doing my first call with Tony, it opened my eyes to everything that had to go and everything that had to grow! I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have him as a coach/mentor/influencer. 

When did you realize that you were called to help develop others?

In 2013. I never knew what to call this feeling, but once I saw Tony on an episode of Love and Hip Hip in 2014 and the title “Life Coach” appeared under his name, I began to research the title and followed him heavy. What he did was identical to what I was doing, but I never knew what to call this, and of course mine was to mainly family and friends for free! In that moment it became clear to me. I remember feeling this calling of wisdom upon my life in 2013 and I would cry for no reason right before bed at night, it was so weird. I then began to get these inspiring messages in my spirit to post. I battled with it because I didn’t want to seem as if I was trying to be a preacher nor did I want people to think I thought I was better than them, but I followed that voice and began posting positive messages. That later turned into a blog and individuals would write me to say “ thank you for post, my words, my inspiration”. So, once I gave it a name in 2014, I started to operate in my purpose. I got certified through the Tony Gaskins Academy in 2017, which was a goal. Although I was using the title already, I wanted his stamp of approval because he was my role model.  

When did you begin realizing your worth?

When I was 30 years old. I know that sounds really late, but I think as women we know we deserve our worth, but we don’t require it. I felt different when I turned 30. I was always a “people pleaser”, I just loved seeing others happy, even if that meant it was at the expense of my own happiness. I remember at 30, a light bulb went off. This is when my paradigm began to shift with my circle. I started putting myself first. 
How did relocating impact your life? What would you say to someone who is considering relocating, but is fearful? 

I haven’t had to relocate. Rock Hill, SC and Charlotte, NC are 25-30 min a part, but what I will say to anyone that has to relocate, do whatever is necessary to fulfill your dreams. You will never go without or be alone if it’s aligned with your purpose! 

How did you overcome some of your deepest and darkest fears? 

I did it scared! No matter how afraid I was and still can get at times... I do it scared, trusting God! 
What are your non-negotiables?

My peace, and who I give my energy to. I have zero tolerance for negative energy and toxic situations. 

How has being intentional scaled your business to the next level?

Doors have opened that I couldn’t imagine for myself. Hence my role model, later becoming my coach/mentor... now business partner. Meeting other powerful like-minded women. When I spoke what I wanted in my life and began to create the very things I wanted to see, my intentions unlocked doors I didn’t have the keys to, but it connected me to those who did! 
What is a form of self-care that you practice regularly to remain centered and to ensure that you aren't pouring from an empty cup?

Devotion, Learning and Development courses. I always seek God and I never stop learning. 
How do you remain confident and empowered after experiencing disappointment?

I go back to a model I live by “VPE” (Vision, Plan, Execute). In that order. If something doesn’t go as well as I would have liked, or sometimes life just happens, I go back to the drawing board of VPE. If it didn’t kill me, I can get through it. 

If you had to choose one (affirmations, vision boards, journaling, podcasts or self-help books) what would it be and why?

Tough one... Affirmations! What we speak in our own lives is detrimental. We must speak LIFE in ourselves in order to be the best version of self and affirmations does that. A quick way to hold yourself accountable and understand our power. Your voice and what you tell yourself is the determining factor of who you become and what you accomplish. 
What was the moment when the light bulb went off for you and you realized that you had to get on purpose and pursue your vision as a woman?

As I stated previously, 30 was that age that the light bulb went off. 34 is when I began to fully operate in my purpose! Why so long? I was married and didn’t want to be the one to say goodbye even though I knew that relationship wasn’t healthy anymore, so I held on out of pride, I guess. Once that relationship took it course, I was better able to see my purpose clearly. 

In your group of friends, what role do you play?

The encourager!
If you could be remembered for anything what would you want to be remembered for?

Just being an influencer and inspiration! 

What would you like readers to know about you?

That I am a woman who wants to see ALL women win. If I can help anyone tap into who they are, I’m here for it. 

What's next for you?

I am now an instructor/trainer under the Tony Gaskins Life Coaching Certification Program. 2nd book release coming soon. I am a Brand Ambassador for Just Strong, a beautiful movement empowering women to be strong mentally & physically. Use my discount code DEQWIS10 to shop and save.

How can they connect with you?

 Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamdequonnawise

 Email: dequonnawise@gmail.com

 Website: Dqwise.com

8 Layers of Division Among Women Book Available on: Amazon, iBooks, and my website https://www.dqwise.com/about8layers 

Dominique Williams