I was blessed with the opportunity to meet Sandra Ragin this past Thursday at Becky A. Davis’s Bossprenuer Business Breakfast in Atlanta Georgia as she and I are both members that connected during the coffee connections segment.  When Sandra informed me that she was a 10-year breast cancer survivor, I knew God allowed us to come together as a part of his divine plan! 


In June 2009, Sandra was diagnosed with Infiltrating Mammary Carcinoma, an invasive form of breast cancer. Sandra had a bilateral mastectomy (a latissimus dorsi flap procedure).  During her mastectomy, she lost so much tissue that it led to 7 additional reconstruction surgeries.  Today, she still has reconstruction surgeries to go, but 3 years ago she decided that she needed a break from the poking and prodding. People see her smiling and going on about her life, but so many people were surprised to know that she is a breast cancer survivor. 

Sandra didn’t want people to feel sorry for her. She remembers a conversation she had with a nurse while she was crying and extremely sad. She asked the nurse, "Why me” and her answer was shocking. She said, “Why not you”? You are probably the 1 out of 8 that can handle the struggle. The answer shocked Sandra, but turned her sorrow into strength.  It took Sandra a long time to get to this point in her life. Inner mental healing and resistance to fight is her core strength. Recently, God has been telling Sandra that she needed to share her journey and that she may be able to help others. Sandra still cries sometimes, but she knows that she is not alone. Sandra has been blessed to celebrate 10 years of being breast cancer free. Sandra takes pride in being able to help others as much as she can in any way that she can. Sandra is here to tell her story and give hope to others as they begin and go through their struggle.

Sandra has a natural born skill to organize, which helped her to develop into the art of organizing. All throughout her 30-year career as an Administrative Professional, Sandra knew where her passion and creative skills lay. DeCluttersuff, her professional organizing business was born again. Many years ago while her children were young she started Personally Yurz (another professional organizing business that she never followed through with because life got in the way), but Sandra never forgot her love of organizing. Her mission is to help organize people’s lives. Whether it’s personal or business, she can get the job done.

Sandra is a member of NAPO (the National Association of Productivity Organizers).net, NAPO, Georgia Chapter, the Organizer Club. Sandra  recently became an iSUPPORTHER ambassador of a nonprofit organization and the Alpharetta Chapter Director for the Bossprenuer Business Circle, both under the leadership of Becky A. Davis.

It is with sheer delight that I highlight Sandra Ragin, a woman that remained resilient while fighting breast cancer and recently celebrated being breast cancer free for 10 years. I contacted Sandra for an interview, she is an inspiration indeed! 

What is your favorite color?

I can never decide, it changes by season but this season, my favorite color is Royal Blue.

What is your favorite flower?

Roses, they come in so many beautiful colors.

What is your favorite dish to eat?

Fried Chicken, collard greens and corn bread. I can do some damage!

What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas. I grew up in the North and the experience is very different in the manner which it is celebrated visually.

What is your favorite season? 

Fall, I love the change of seasons.

What are some of your strengths? 

Some of my strengths are being organized and helping others. I am known for connecting others to the resources they are seeking for help.

If you won a shopping spree at any store, what store would you choose? 

Cartier, diamonds are a girl's best friend.

What is your favorite drink?

Pina Colada

What is your  favorite movie/TV show?

My favorite movie is Love and Basketball and my favorite TV show is Project Runway.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel to? 

If I could travel anywhere, I would travel all around the world. If I had to choose one place, I’d choose Hawaii. 

Who is your favorite band or musician?

I love a good band, and there are many good bands! There is a band in New York that plays at Café Wha! That band always gets me up and dancing.

What would you say is the best thing about you?

I am both a sweetheart and very understanding.

What’s one of the greatest lessons you learned when fighting breast cancer?

A few lessons I learned were to talk to GOD, have faith, hope and know that not everyone will understand your fight.

Among your family and friends what are you known for?

I am known for my strength, and my helping hand.

If your life was a book, what would the title be?

And then there was Sandra.

What thoughts came to your  mind when you were told you had breast cancer?

No  thoughts came to mind, only FEAR.

What coping skills did you utilize while fighting breast cancer?

The coping skills I utilized were prayer and quietness. I had to stay calm, listen to my doctors and take care of myself.

What was your course of treatment while fighting breast cancer? 

I was blessed that my cancer was caught in stage one but even so, I had a bilateral mastectomy that caused extensive scarring. As a result, I’ve undergone multiple surgeries. I was treated with 5 years of tamoxifen. 

How has your mindset evolved since being diagnosed and overcoming breast cancer?

You never overcome having breast cancer, the fight goes on. It has taken awhile, but know I am ready to become a warrior against the fight. At first, I was afraid, but you can't worry and have faith at the same time. I never talked about my breast cancer and my fight until recently. After my 10-year anniversary, it was as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm wiser and stronger and can help others going through their fight.

What would you like others to know about breast cancer?

Please make sure to have a mammogram regularly. Breast Cancer kills many beautiful women; mothers, sisters, aunts and friends.  

What would you say to a woman who is currently battling breast cancer and has feelings of hopelessness?

I would tell her that she has an army of supporters and she can lean on us. If she reaches out to someone or a group and they don't get back to her, reach out to another group. She doesn’t have to be alone in her fight against breast cancer. 

Dominique Williams