While almost every woman has been living to have a hot girl summer, myself included, it is far more important to have a healing summer, which may very well extend into fall, winter and spring. No matter how long it takes, take all the time that you need so that you will be ready and able to experience healthy relationships. Healing looks good on you today, tomorrow and always.  

An unconventional winning woman, whom I had the pleasure of listening to at Sarah Jakes Roberts Woman Evolve Conference this past July in Denver, Colorado, is Keri Hilson. Keri Hilson spoke about love and relationships. While she is known for being a singer and a songwriter, Keri Hilson is using her voice for more than just singing. In the most recent years, she has taken a break from the limelight by taking the time she needed to heal.

At the Woman Evolve Conference in Denver, Colorado

At the Woman Evolve Conference in Denver, Colorado

Healing requires one to do things that they would not normally do as they are seeking different results. An unconventional thing that Keri Hilson has done to facilitate healing is taking a break from social media. She was successful in doing this by deleting the apps from her cell phone. She reported that she didn’t need to follow the trends on social media. In other words, when you know who you are and whose you are there is no need for external validation.  

It is extremely important that you take the time to bask in silence. In doing so you can connect with God and he can connect with you. God is not able to connect with you via chatter and chaos and as a result you lack the clarity that you desire. I don’t know about you, but I want to hear from God, and I want God to hear from me. Keri Hilson said, “no one’s voice is louder than God’s in my life.” I couldn’t agree more!

Healing is not comfortable or popular, yet it is a process that is required. If you take the time to heal, you’ll reclaim everything you thought you lost. In other words, you’ll receive double for your trouble! The moment you decide to be fully committed to your healing and make better choices, your life will change for the better. You will attract better because you’ll be ready to receive better.

For healing to occur, healthy relationships are essential. You will attract healthy relationships when you yourself are healthy. It is our experiences which shape our reality. They help us to learn, grow and evolve into the individuals we are meant to be. No matter how painful, no experience is wasted and sometimes what God gives us is the exact opposite of what we expected.

Healthy boundaries equate to healthy relationships. Setting boundaries is very personal. Don’t compromise your authentic self and spirit for someone else. The purpose of establishing healthy boundaries is not to offend anyone but to honor you. The relationships we choose to keep and invest in reflect how we see ourselves.

Healing requires you to:

·         Say NO

Say no to the things which no longer serve you and your purpose. You may have to say NO to some okay things so you can say YES to the AMAZING things.

·         Clear the clutter

In getting quiet you’re able to be fully present in the moment and come up with innovative ideas.

·         Be honest with yourself

In being honest with yourself you can be honest with everyone you interact with, fostering healthy relationships.

·         Hold yourself accountable

Take ownership for the mistakes you’ve made by learning the lessons they provided you with.

·         Date yourself

Rediscover who you are and your interests.

·         Forgive yourself

Now that you know better, you possess the strength, capacity and willpower to do better.

·         Love yourself

Love yourself with your whole heart, because you deserve the love you give to everyone else. Your behavior should reflect the love that you have developed for yourself.

·         Surrender

Put yourself in a position to download God’s plan for your life. God’s plan is always bigger and better than our own.

·         Sacrifice

No pain. No gain. In making the sacrifice you will experience freedom. “The greatest gifts come with the greatest amount of sacrifice.” -Keri Hilson

Keri’s beauty is definitely shining from the inside out. She is soaring to new heights both personally and professionally. Keri Hilson is the unconventional winning woman today, but it could be you tomorrow! It’s time to heal your wounds so that you can begin living your best life unapologetically! In the words of Keri Hilson, “The hard things are the healing things.”

Dominique Williams