Don't give away too much too soon. Don't be a people pleaser. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, no matter what you say it will never be enough. Some people will always critique. Don’t allow them to make you hold your head down; their issue is not with you but with themselves. Pay more attention to your creator and less attention to your critics. Those critics are not your people. Be grateful for your haters because little do they know they push you to be greater as long as you are up for the challenge. 

This blog is a spinoff of a poem that I wrote to my younger self which is in my book of poetry entitled From Broken to Purpose. When I was younger I made it my mission to please others 

I was seeking approval, negating the fact that I am an individual. Just because you are broken it doesn't mean you cannot heal. You can become whole once again. After all broken crayons still color.  


Don't be so hard on yourself. In all creation there is only one you. It is okay be different.

Embrace your uniqueness. Why fit in when you were meant to stand out. You will not have all the answers. Throughout life you live and you learn and the lesson will repeat as needed. Once you conquer one hurdle there will be another. But now you possess the strength to push through. If at first you don't succeed you must persevere. Despite your flaws you are a masterpiece. Listen to your gut. Don't disregard your intuition. Hold firm to your standards as well as your convictions. 

Remember to practice self love nobody will love you like you. Don't be afraid to put yourself first. Contrary to what others may say you are not being selfish. Show the love you desire from others to yourself. Just as a car cannot run on empty, neither can you, give yourself the fuel you need to conquer the world. Never let anyone tell you, you are anything less than amazing! 

Dominique Williams