
According to the Oxford Dictionary, when one affirms, they state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly. When one declares, they say something in a solemn and emphatic manner. And when one manifests, they demonstrate, provide evidence of, or prove. Many people don’t realize that the very things they desire have not come to fruition because they have not asked. The reason why many don’t realize this is because their mindset isn’t big enough. Only big mindsets are equipped to handle big manifestations. The words you declare over your life are powerful. Proverbs 18:21MSG tells us that words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit-you choose. What have you been declaring over your life? What should you begin declaring over your life to produce optimal results? 

Iyanla Vanzant once said, “The Law of Attraction yields us returns in response to our demands to it. If we do not ask we will not receive. If we ask for a little we will receive a little. The Law of Attraction moves us beyond restrictive thinking and depending on others. It requires that we think plenty, speak plenty and expect plenty. The law will also cure us of our attachment to mediocrity. It rewards us based on our readiness and willingness to have more.”

In Nancy Joy Dozier’s book, Decree a Thing: Creating Your World with Your Words, she said “What would your words create in regards to your personal growth, your family, your career and your endeavors? Part of our inheritance as the children of God is that like him, we can create our world with our mouths. But as long as the Word remains in your mouth and never breaks out from behind the prison bars provided by your teeth, nothing will be created. When you decree, you are setting laws in place by commanding elements to come into alignment with the Word of God.  Declaration is a major key to obtaining deliverance. Every day of our lives, we must employ our words in building our world. So we say it until we believe it, and we believe it until we see it manifest. God will not do just what he said, but what we say.“

Ciara, the talented singer, songwriter, dancer, model, mother and wife, is a goal for many women as she truly leveled up with her husband Russell Wilson. Ciara prayed a powerful prayer in regards to attracting her soulmate. She shared that she prayed for a God-fearing man, for discernment, for wisdom, a man that loved kids, and a man that loved to explore. It’s safe to say that Ciara got what she prayed for.  

In addition to praying, Ciara also believes in writing down her desires. Ciara stated “I am a big believer in writing down what you want in general. I’m a believer in seeing it, speaking it, and writing it down. There’s something about the power of the tongue and the mind and you’re actually affirming it by writing it down.” Ciara encourages women to be clear about what they desire, be patient, trust God’s timing, and don’t forget what’s most important. In other words, to be effective you must be selective. 

I am an avid believer in the power of manifestations, affirmations and declarations. For me, journaling is therapeutic. I am always writing. I write prayers in my prayer journal. I also write down my affirmations and manifestations and tape them to my bathroom mirror. I need to begin speaking the affirmations and manifestations that I’ve written out loud daily. I am also a woman of faith, not ordinary faith but crazy faith. I believe wholeheartedly that when we exercise our faith, pray, and speak what we seek, we will receive God’s favor. As a result he will bless us beyond our wildest dreams. 


We all love to be affirmed, which is why we should affirm ourselves. We love to be encouraged, which is why we should encourage ourselves. We love living which is why the words we speak should produce life. We shouldn’t speak about how broke we are, how nobody likes us, how we will never find true love etc. Before you begin manifesting, affirming and declaring, your thoughts must shift from a negative to positive perspective. You must shift your perspective from seeing the glass half empty to viewing it as half full. Your outlook must shift from pessimistic to optimistic. A resource that will prove useful along the journey is the Positive Thought Journal I created. 

Some questions to ask yourself are:

  • Are you ready to have more? 

  • Do you believe you deserve the best? 

  • Do you believe that there is more available? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, begin doing the work required to live the life that you truly desire. 

I’ve shared some affirmations and a manifesto that I’ve written below to serve as examples. 

Proclamation Affirmation:

2020 is my year of congratulations. 2020 is my year of manifestation.

2020 is my year of actualization. 

Purpose Affirmation:

I can be all that God created me to be. I declare and decree that resources are coming. I am the next big thing! I will go after my destiny with fearless faith and extreme focus. 

Abundance Affirmation:

My life is filled with positivity, pleasantries and productivity! I am creating my reality therefore I will shift my focus towards infinite possibilities. 


Self Care Affirmation:

I am making time for myself. After all, I am extremely deserving of that type of intimacy. It is not up for debate because it is a necessity. Allocated time for self provides an immense amount of self awareness. Time spent with myself is never a waste but an investment that continues to yield a generous return!

Winning Affirmation:

I was created to SUCCEED, designed to WIN, equipped to OVERCOME, anointed to PROSPER, & blessed to be a BLESSING! 

Success Affirmation:

I am success. Success is in my DNA. Success loves me. I eat, sleep, and breathe success. I embody success. There are no limits to my success. In everything I set my mind to, I achieve success. I am successful. 


I am walking into healing. I am walking into restoration. I am walking into redemption. I am walking into breakthrough. I am walking into my purpose. I am walking into my future.

Dominique Williams