
Sex trafficking is at an all time high currently. I have been receiving video warnings recently about the clever ways that sex trafficking victims are being abducted, and as a woman, mother, and advocate for girls/women it inspired me to write this blog. I remember hearing my mother say our times were much safer than yours are. As a child I didn’t really understand what she meant, but as an adult with a child of my own, sadly I can relate. I recently had a talk with my 6 year old daughter about not picking up anything that she may see on my car, as that is one of the tactics used to lure sex trafficking victims.

I remember going to the movies theaters in 2018 to watch the movie Traffik, and while it was  great movie, it was extremely disheartening. While in the movie theaters, I began praying for all of the sex trafficking victims past, present and future. The film was inspired by true events, and unfortunately those with a badge aren’t always serving, honoring and protecting as depicted in the film. If I said it wasn’t horrifying I wouldn’t be speaking truthfully, which is why I want to ensure that girls and women are educated on ways to remain safe against sex trafficking. While I applaud the film for bringing awareness to the epidemic for the culprits, it might have been a source of inspiration, which usually happens when a tragic event receives worldwide news. There are usually some individuals who are inspired by tragic events to replicate them.

Sex trafficking isn’t just for adult women. Children are being forced into the sex trafficking industry also, some as young as 10 years old. Approximately 40% of the trafficking victims are African American. It’s also happening everywhere; from small city to big, there are no exceptions. It is nothing to play with and I urge everyone to take the threat seriously as we live in a cruel world. Being informed and acting on the knowledge you’ve been given can be your saving grace. The sex trafficking industry is modern day slavery targeting girls and women.

21 Tips to Remain Safe Against Sex Trafficking

  1. If someone runs into the back of your vehicle, do NOT get out of your vehicle. Remain in the car, state the color of your vehicle, lock the doors, call 911, begin recording, or get on Facebook live and state your location.

  2. When going to an area where there are many parking spaces, such as the mall or grocery store, do NOT park in between two vans

  3. Do not remove money, love notes, roses etc. off of your vehicle that have  been placed there, until you are in a safe location. Also remove it with gloves, have a bag to discard it in immediately, and keep it away from your body.

  4. Do NOT smell any fragrances or take anyone’s cards (even business cards) as it may have a toxic chemical on it to make you unconscious.

  5. Do NOT accept pens from anyone in public.

  6. Don’t allow anyone to offer to pump your gas for you, engage the self pump latch and get back in your vehicle and lock the doors.

  7. Be mindful of license plates near you; send a picture of it to loved ones. Look out for fake license plates or vehicles with no license plates.

  8. When riding in Uber/Lyft by yourself, always send the license number, make/model of the vehicle, name of the driver to family/friends, and remain on the phone during the ride. Request a female driver, but that is not 100% safety proof.

  9. Be mindful that children are recruiting other children by inviting them over for sleepovers, or giving them lunch money and/or other gifts to entice them/build their trust. (I am very apprehensive about allowing my daughter to sleepover with anyone and I hate to ruin her childhood, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.)

  10. They are also having small kids run out in front of your vehicle with a bag of brick/wood to make a noise to make you think you hit them while you’re driving. While you should do your best to avoid the child, do NOT stop the vehicle, call 911 for help and have them go to the location to ensure safety.

  11. When going out to the nightclubs, do NOT leave with someone you just met, always go/leave together in groups, even when going to the restroom. Do NOT accept any drinks from anyone. Always be on alert.

  12. Be mindful of masks and fake tattoos, which will throw the authorities off of the sex traffickers trail.

  13. Always travel in a group of 3-4 whenever possible.

  14. Go to the bank, gas station, grocery store in the day time.

  15. Be mindful of who’s delivering the things you may have ordered online.

  16. Do NOT allow your daughters to hang out at the mall without a chaperone. 

  17. If it looks strange don’t stop for any reason.

  18. Do NOT open the door for strangers.

  19. Do NOT sign any petitions in public; opt to sign the petition online.

  20. Be sure to carry tools to defend yourself (mace, taser gun, stun gun etc.) Rule of thumb: In regards to mace spray first and ask questions later. If you’re looking for a personal protection kit to protect yourself check out It cost $60.00 and includes: bejeweled pepper spray, cat shaped keychain, stun gun with alarm, brass knuckle belt buckle, comb shaped knife.

  21. And last but certainly not least, pray always for God to keep his arms of protection around you and angels dispatched wherever you may go.

If you or anyone you know is a victim of sex trafficking, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. Try to locate a safe house. In Buford, GA, there is Tabitha’s House, a nonprofit organization that provides housing, counseling, and intervention services to sex trafficking victims.

Dominique Williams