With the upcoming year a day away, I want to equip you with the tools necessary to make 2020 your year. With each New Year, people create New Year’s resolutions for themselves. From losing weight to joining the gym, eating healthier, starting and completing a project, saving money, becoming debt free, investing, going back to school, repairing broken relationships, ending toxic relationships etc. While the intention is good, they often fail to execute until the very end. Typically within 2 weeks of the New Year, many revert back to their old ways. Change requires consistent and committed effort. You can’t have just the intention, you have to have tunnel vision and fierce intentionality. When you adopt the grit required, you will achieve success.
I’d like to replace the word resolutions with goals. Goals are very powerful tools which drive strategy implementation. Why would you wait until the New Year to begin implementing your goals when you can begin today? It’s never too early to begin working towards your goals. What will be your motivating factor? It takes about 21 days to break/create a new habit. A question to ask yourself is, “How committed am I to change?”. George Bernard once said, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
The first thing you must change is your mindset. Believe it or not, mindset is everything. If you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts nothing positive will occur. If you are a pessimist you don’t believe that you can accomplish your goals or make your dreams a reality. Instead of viewing the glass as half empty, you must view it as half full. You must replace your victim mentality with a victor mentality. Sure life may have handed you some lemons, but it’s up to you to make lemonade. Use what you currently have to go after the life you desire. If you fall down seven times, stand up eight. Be committed to finishing the race until the very end! I dare you to shift your mindset from limited to limitless, from fearful to fearless, and from defeated to conqueror!
There are many reasons for failure. Some of which are the motives aren’t pure, lack of focus, trying to prove/compete with others etc. Instead of making announcements about what your goal or goals are, focus on full execution. You must be willing to work and work hard for what you desire. Without the work ethic required, it will be a new year but you will be the same person you’ve been. In moments of despair and defeat you must continue to persevere no matter what to acquire success. Success looks different for everyone as everyone has different journeys.
My digital vision board
In order to succeed your faith must be activated. You will never accomplish anything without a belief system to tell you that your goals are achievable and you are capable! Make a visual poster board or chart to keep track of your progress. Seeing the goal/goals daily will give you the momentum to go forward at full speed. You must be able to see the unseen until it becomes your reality.
Your goals must be S.M.A.R.T. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed. You must also be willing to evaluate and readjust your goals when necessary. Rate your goals on a scale from 0=10. Zero means there is no way you can accomplish your goal/goals because there are many obstacles and you are not at all confident. Ten means that you are fully capable of knocking the goal down without a shadow of doubt, you have full certainty that you will succeed.
Questions To Ask Yourself
What is your plan?
Is the plan easy to follow?
How will you reward yourself when taking small steps in the right direction?
How will you maintain a positive attitude and approach amongst difficulty?
What is your main goal?
What resources are required for you to accomplish your goals?
What support is available?
How is your mindset?
I can ___________________________.
I will ___________________________.
I am____________________________.
I must__________________________.
Begin To Take Action
• Give yourself permission.
• Eliminate Toxicity/Distractions.
• Be intentional.
• Choose an accountability partner.
• Write down your goals (short-term/long-term).
• Think bigger than your current situation (you were created to shatter glass ceilings).
• Prioritize your goals based on importance.
• Create a visual: graph, vision board, table, map etc. (Images are powerful take a picture of your visual and save it to your screensaver on your phone or computer to look at it multiple times a day!)
• Create a reward system.
If your goal is to write a book I’ve created a sample template for inspiration.
Writing A Book
1. Identify the purpose of the book?
With this book, I am solving _______________________. My target audience is_______________________.
2. Create a start/finish line. (A goal without a deadline/date in mind is a wish.)
I will begin on______________. I will complete the book from start to finish by_____________________.
______________________will hold me accountable.
3. Minimize distractions (TV, music, phone, social media etc.)
I will silence my phone for ________________. I will deactivate social media for_____________________________.
4. Come up with the title of the book.
The title of my book is ______________________________.
5. Determine how many chapters I want in the book.
6. My book will consist of _________ chapters.
7. Give each chapter a title.
8. Decide the number of pages.
Target goal is __________pages.
9. Conduct research if necessary.
10. Set aside time daily to diligently work on the book.
I will work on my book today for ________minutes/hours.
11. I will reward myself with ________________________ for every chapter I complete.
12. Proofread/Edit.
13. Create book cover.
I will hire ________________to design the cover.
14. Send off for publishing.
I will use _____________to self publish.
15. Order a proof.
16. Make the necessary revisions.
17. Promote your book to create a passive source of income.
Declaration: I am declaring and decreeing that in 2020 everything attached to me wins. 2020 is my birthing season. 2020 is my year.
Additional tools and resources to help you reach your goals.
Your Prescription: Medicine For The Soul
A yearly devotional that will inspire you to shift your mindset, pray always, incorporate faith and take action!
A positive thought journal that will inspire you to combat your negative thoughts with positive ones and release the limits. Your mind is a garden and your thoughts are the seeds, you want to grow flowers instead of weeds!