Time is a very precious commodity that we can never get back. Once it is gone it is gone forever. While we can spend it, we can never earn it no matter what we do. Which is the very reason we must learn to reallocate it properly. There will always be things to do yet, we must prioritize our time appropriately. In addition to our own tasks, we will also be pulled in various directions by things that others would like us to do. And if we are not mindful, its easy for procrastination to rear its ugly head.
“Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God will give you tomorrow what you were told to do today.”
Photo Credit: KoolShooters from Pexels
Once we get into a routine our schedules are often disrupted with the vicissitudes of life from school, work, family, friends, marriage, motherhood/fatherhood, children etc. I am personally attempting to reallocate my time, as I was a mother of 1 child for 7 years and I am now a proud mother of a 4-month-old also. Life as I know it has shifted for the better. Yet the way I manage my time looks quite different therefore reallocating my time is essential. In addition to prioritizing, posteriority is equally important. Posteriority is defined as the quality or state of being later or subsequent.
You must categorize your tasks appropriately because your time is your most valuable asset.
Category 1: These things must be done and when they are not it results in detrimental consequences. Category 2: These things should be done, and the consequences are mild whether we do them or not. Category 3: These things are nice to do, and there are no consequences whether we do them or not.
Another important thing that we must learn to do to ensure efficient time management is delegation. Even if you do know how to do the task, your goal should be productivity. In other words, work harder not smarter. There is no I in team, and you cannot be a jack of all trades, and a master of all of them too. While your talent may be great, your execution may be minimal because you are overwhelmed, and extremely fatigued. In categorizing and delegating your tasks it gives you a chance to rest and reset. Rest is resetting is vital to optimal performance.
Photo Credit: KoolShooters from Pexels
Instead of trying to complete an excessive “To Do List” focus on 3-5 tasks and incorporate breaks and/or small rewards. This will keep you motivated and decrease the likelihood of burnout. Make time for multiple forms of self-care daily whether it is a facial, pedicure, listening to your favorite affirmations (check out Toni Jones Affirmation Music), drinking your favorite cup of tea, going to your favorite restaurant, having the food brought to you (UberEats, DoorDash, GrubHub etc.) watching your favorite movie, drinking a glass of your favorite wine, journaling, reading a book etc. Also create a “Done List” to look over all the things you have accomplished at the end of the day. Give yourself something to be proud of instead of something to condemn and critique. You would be surprised as you are trying to write them done, you will come to the realization that you got more done than you thought.
Once you have categorized and delegated everything you possibly could to free up more of your time. You should eliminate all tasks/activities that are no longer essential to your work and achieving your goals. Yes, being there for others is beautiful, and you should be there when you can but do not feel guilty when you cannot. Those around you should be mindful and respectful of your time. And if they are not, it is time for you to reclaim your TIME!!! (Maxine Waters)
Photo Credit: Samson Katt from Pexels
Here are some examples below of how you can reallocate your time:
· Placing your phone on Do Not Disturb while working on the things that must be done (work, self-care etc.)
· Going to a setting other than your home (your comfort zone) when you have things to do with strict deadlines. This will allow you to laser focus.
· Deleting social media apps from your phone.
· Deactivating all social media accounts.
· Placing your mobile device on silent or powering it off.
· Placing a Do NOT Disturb sign on your door.
· Giving the kids something productive to do, that will limit the number of interruptions.
· Not turning on the TV to distract you from the work that needs to be done. As this is procrastinating and will incur a consequence later down the line. It is self-sabotage, and we want to avoid it AT ALL COSTS!!!!
· Saying NO, it is a complete sentence that requires NO explanation.
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”