I remember the famous quote from the Disney movie Snow White: "Magic Mirror On The Wall, who's the fairest one of all?" For some reason I always thought it said Mirror Mirror On The Wall. But that’s neither here nor there.
Photo retrieved from here
We need to pretend that we are the queen and look in the mirror to affirm ourselves instead of criticizing ourselves. To be honest, that's normally what we do when we look in the mirror, myself included especially as I recently gave birth to a son via cesarean. We point out our flaws, from stretch marks, cellulite, dimples, pimples, freckles, extra fluff etc. It's easy to get into a cycle of despair and depression if you are not careful of how you speak to yourself when you look in the mirror. Especially in today's society where there's a heavy focus on body enhancement surgeries from Brazilian butt lifts, breast implants, tummy tucks etc. And there's IG models everywhere you look.
“Even the prettiest women have experienced some level of insecurity. Never stop loving yourself. Affirm yourself in all ways, always. Treat yourself as royalty because that’s what you are.” Dominique M. Williams
Photo Credit: Sora Shimazaki from Pexels
Allow this to serve as your reminder:
You do NOT need anyone else to tell you that you're beautiful because you're busy telling yourself each and every time you look in the mirror!
Begin incorporating positive psychology into your life because it will change your life. You will begin to see your confidence flourish because you're looking at yourself in a positive manner.
STAT: Your mind is 39% more productive when its operating with a positive mindset.
Nurture a positive and supportive relationship with yourself as you look in the mirror. Establish boundaries and counteract any negative thoughts or feelings. It is up to you to contribute to a positive body image. Focus on what you can control (healthy eating habits, cooking healthier meals, limiting sweets/alcohol/carbs, incorporating physical activity, increasing daily fiber and water intake etc.) Let's face it, if you don't love yourself, no amount of money or surgeries will help you because self love is an inside job.
“Perfection kills progress” Unknown
Keep this scripture (which happens to be one of my favorites) in your head and on your heart.
Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful I know that full well.
Photo Credit: Gabb Tapique from Pexels
While on the go keep a handheld mirror in your purse (when at home utilize a full length mirror) and repeat this poem aloud:
I love myself.
The love I give to myself provides me with a true sense of security.
As I look into the mirror I am utilizing a lens of love.
I am gentle with myself because I am both strong and fragile.
I love myself wholeheartedly, both internally and externally.
I correct myself with love.
I correct myself with grace.
The love I give myself sets the pace for each and every interaction.
I love myself.
I am beautiful.
I am good enough.
I am capable.
I am confident.
In all creation, there is only one me!
I accept myself just the way I am because I love myself.
Photo Credit: Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels
Dominique M. Williams is a well-being advocate for girls and women. Advocating in various capacities (Certified Life Coach, Empowerment Speaker, Author, and Editor In Chief for the She Wins Society Blog) with a servant's heart She is the CEO of Inspiring and Empowering Ladies an organization dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and equipping girls and women to develop a greater sense of self. Without a clear vision about yourself and your life, you will not be able to take ownership or accountability. Dominique enjoys being a mom of two beautiful children, reading, writing, traveling the globe, shopping, listening to music, cooking, and being in the company of loved ones. To learn more about Dominique click here.