With the fall/winter seasons and the holidays approaching (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) depression is on the rise. Some individuals are depressed due to not being able to provide for their loved ones, others lost a loved one around the holidays, and some feel trapped in the house due to the cold etc.  According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America in the U.S. nearly 15 million people suffer from depression. Life presents us all with challenges, some of which seem unbearable in the moment. Brief depression is understandable but when it lingers on, help is necessary.

Some symptoms of depression are feelings of hopelessness/worthlessness, self harm, suicidal ideations, insomnia/oversleeping, indulging in risky behavior, substance abuse, overeating/not eating enough, poor food choices consistently, inability to focus, giving away items, overcompensating, isolation etc. If you or someone you knows shows any of these signs, do not be afraid to ask them if they are depressed and if they desire to harm themselves or others. Let them know that you care and they are not alone, provide a listening ear, remove the stigma associated with mental health, be a resource, provide them with resources to get help.

There are many treatment options available as well as resources. Reach out to your local county to see what mental health programs (inpatient/outpatient) they have. Make an appointment with a therapist or psychiatrist. Call the crisis line or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Visit the National Alliance Mental Illness website at https://www.nami.org.

If you have a family member who poses harm to themselves and/or others, you can have them placed on a 1013 in the state of Georgia which is an involuntary hold at an emergency receiving mental health facility for 48 hours. During that time the individual will be assessed, and an individualized treatment plan will be developed. Each state varies in the verbiage, but the option is available. 

A healthy amount of sunlight has been linked to improved moods. In the fall and winter season it gets dark earlier. Personally, I love the summertime when I can wear dresses, shorts, and sandals showing off a pedicure, go for ice cream, go to the beach and feel the warm sand underneath my feet, and bask in the warmth of the sunlight on my skin. Vitamin D keeps depression at bay. Daily, do your best to spread light and love because you never know the impact you can have on someone by doing so. In addition to sunlight, I’ve listed 30 effective coping strategies below that will help to minimize depression and that can be implemented today.

30 Effective coping strategies for minimizing depression:

  1. Drink a cup of tea

  2. Meditate

  3. Journal

  4. Yoga

  5. Listen to an encouraging podcast

  6. Watch a funny movie

  7. Surround yourself with good company

  8. Paint your nails

  9. Do your makeup

  10. Get dressed up

  11. Treat yourself to the spa

  12. Make time for quiet time to decompress

  13. Listen to your favorite songs

  14. Feed your mind (reading, thought provoking game etc.)

  15. Do some type of physical activity

  16. Get proper sleep

  17. Don’t be afraid to have fun

  18. Take one step at a time, focusing on things within your control

  19. Reward yourself when you achieve a goal

  20. Find an accountability partner

  21. Make a hot chocolate bar with marshmallows, peppermint, whip cream, etc. (that’ll keep you nice and cozy)

  22. Attend a holiday party/gathering

  23. Relax in the Jacuzzi/Take a bubble bath

  24. Start/End the day with gratitude

  25. Write a letter to a loved one whom you lost/do something in their honor

  26. Volunteer with a coat drive, soap kitchen, hospital etc.

  27. Utilize aromatherapy (candles, oils, plug ins etc.)

  28. Find support groups in your community facing similar challenges

  29. Utilize positive affirmations (You Are Loved!, You Matter!, You are More Than Enough!, In All Creation There Is Only One You!, You Are Equipped!, The World Does Not Define You!, You Are Powerful!)

  30. .Invest in a mindset coach.

If you or someone you know is in need of a resource to stimulate positive thinking, the Positive Thought Journal is available for purchase and it is filled with writing prompts and coloring pages for all ages. Get yours here!

Dominique Williams