
I was overjoyed when I discovered that November has been recognized as National Gratitude Month! We tend to only express thanks during the Thanksgiving holiday or when someone has done something for us, I’m hoping to change the narrative. I am huge on modeling an attitude of gratitude daily as I believe we should give thanks in all things. As human beings, it’s easy to complain when things aren’t working in our favor until we begin shifting our perspectives. While using our manners is essential, being grateful is more than simply saying thank you. Gratitude is a lifestyle. Before adopting the lifestyle, one must first establish a habit. It is believed to take 21 days to form a habit. We shouldn’t only exercise an attitude of gratitude in November, but all year long. However, November is a great month to start.

The next time you find yourself complaining, focus on turning that negative experience into a positive one. Allow me to share one of my recent experiences. Earlier this month, I received a traffic citation. Immediately after receiving the ticket, I decided I would not spend any money for the next 90 days unless it was previously planned, as I wasn’t sure how much the ticket would cost. I also cancelled a trip that I had already begun paying for. As a result I lost $150.00, I decided to bite the bullet and take the loss. While I was saddened, I was fully committed to saving money and I knew I’d be taking other trips in 2020. When I went online to find out the price of the ticket, they weren’t able to locate it. I proceeded to call the courthouse to find out the cost. When I was told it was $145.00, I was thrilled. Not because I wanted to pay the fine, but because it could’ve been much worse and I was anticipating it being much more expensive.  

Instead of saying “why me”, I looked for the positives within the moment. I also committed to saving more and spending less, which I believe is extremely important. After all, we get absolutely nothing when we are ungrateful. In exercising gratitude, we are able enjoy life, we are enjoyable to others, we gain a deeper appreciation and awareness, as well as a deeper connection to God. Gratefulness enhances ones mood, decreases stress, and improves our health and well-being. I encourage you to decide with each day to give gratitude a try because you will lose nothing, but gain everything!  

10 Useful Tools to Implement Gratitude are:

  • Make one day out of the week your day of Thanksgiving: Share what you’re grateful for with family, friends, and/or social media

  • Place your hand over your chest to feel your heartbeat, you’re alive. Exhale and inhale slowly, you’re breathing. Take a look in the mirror, you have vision. Do this with all five senses (see, smell touch, taste, feel).

  • Think of a natural resource. Ex: Water is essential to living. You cook with it, drink it, bathe in it, wash and iron your clothing with it. Imagine your life without water, how would you survive? What are some other things that you’ve taken for granted as if you will always have them.

  • Upon rising or retiring daily, write down 5 things you are grateful for. Written expressions of gratitude are linked to increased happiness.

  • Begin writing your prayers down in a journal. After about 3 months, go back and read your Prayer Journal to see which prayers have been answered.

  • Jot down your wins to reflect on how much you’ve accomplished.

  • Jot down the lessons you’ve learned based on your experiences.

  • Jot down the states you’ve visited and reflect on the memories you’ve created and with whom you created them.

  • In the spring, smell the flowers. In the summer, enjoy the warmth from the sunshine on your skin. In the fall, admire the leaves. In the winter, enjoy a hot beverage of your choice. Find the beauty in every season.

If you need assistance taking time out to think and appreciate your big and small blessings, you can purchase, Count Your Blessings: A Gratitude Journal here.

Dominique Williams