Dear Girl Child,
On today we celebrate you. We raise our voices in your honor. We stand up for your rights. We support you. We inspire you. We empower you. We uplift you. We build you up, higher than high. You are my heart, after all I am a girl, a grown girl. I am grown girl with a girl child. I am a voice for myself. I am a voice for her. I am a voice for you. I celebrate you not only on this day, but I celebrate you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am a girl’s advocate. In the words of Beyoncé: “Who Run The world?” GIRLS!!!!
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On today I wanted to share with you some ways to build your CONFIDENCE muscle. Confidence is very, very important. Many girls are taught to be shy and reserved rather than bold and assertive. Girls who are confident are told that they are too aggressive or that they should be seen and not heard. I came to dispel that nonsense and help you build that muscle so that it becomes nice and strong! It is my belief that we are NOT born with confidence we must learn to be confident. While many view me as confident I had to learn to be confident, and I am not always as confident as I would like to be! There were several times throughout my lifetime where my confidence was bruised. For the sake of time, I will only share a few:
I wasn’t given the opportunity to be a lead majorette growing up and I strongly desired to lead.
There was a singing contest among my cousins, while I did well, I didn’t win. (I no longer sing for others to hear or judge)
I have been overlooked for many contests, committees, scholarships, promotions etc. for which I believed I was qualified.
While my confidence was bruised, I couldn’t wallow in defeat. I had to keep on keeping on no matter how bad it hurt. I had to use those painful experiences as a lesson instead of a crutch. I vow to give my daughter the opportunities I never had. As I raise her, I often place myself in her shoes as a little girl. She doesn’t know it but I am always advocating for her. I encourage her hopes, dreams, and aspirations as much as I possibly can. I want her confidence muscle to be strong so when it is bruised it won’t feel so bad. And I want the same thing for YOU.
Women were not created to be walked on, disrespected, bullied, or belittled. To ensure that we aren’t we must speak up, speak out and stand up for ourselves! We cannot look to others to do what we can do for ourselves. Being confident also requires us to activate our faith muscle so that we can combat our fears.
Women are precious gifts from God to the world. Since we are precious gifts to the world, we must demand that we are treated as such. Confidence allows you to show up on every single moment like you’re meant to be there.
Photo Credit: 3Motional Studio from Pexels
7 Secrets of A Confident Woman
A confident woman knows she is loved. (She practices self-love daily.) If you need to practice self-love, more click here
A confident woman refuses to live in fear. (She knows life requires her to be fearless.) If you need to practice fearlessness, more click here
A confident woman is positive. (She counters negativity with positivity.) If you need to practice positive thinking more click here
A confident woman recovers from setbacks. (She is solution oriented.) If you need to practice being solution oriented, click here
A confident woman avoids comparisons. (She practices gratitude daily.) If you need to practice gratitude, more click here
A confident woman takes action. (She believe that faith without works is dead.) If you need to practice taking action, consistently click here
A confident woman does not live in “if only” and “what if”. (She has no time to be stuck in the past because she is focused on the future.)
“A confident girl grows up to become a confident woman.” Dominique M. Williams
Until Next Time…..XOXO
Dominique M. Williams is a well-being advocate for girls and women. Advocating in various capacities (Certified Life Coach, Empowerment Speaker, Author, and Editor In Chief for the She Wins Society Blog) with a servant's heart She is the CEO of Inspiring and Empowering Ladies an organization dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and equipping girls and women to develop a greater sense of self. Without a clear vision about yourself and your life, you will not be able to take ownership or accountability. Dominique enjoys being a mom of two beautiful children, reading, writing, traveling the globe, shopping, listening to music, cooking, and being in the company of loved ones. To learn more about Dominique click here.