Photo Credit: Brett Sayles from Pexels
I recently traveled back to my hometown for the unexpected and sudden passing of my cousin and “Who Promised You Tomorrow?” was the subject of the eulogy. And it really got me thinking about the level of reality of this question. We wake up every day and go about our lives as if we will live forever, yet that couldn’t be further from the truth. We often say and hear others say here today, gone tomorrow. Yet for many, they are here today and gone today.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone which is why we must do what we can while we can. In other words, inspire before we expire. We all would like a date with destiny, and we were each given unique gifts and an innate purpose. Yet if we aren’t careful our lives will pass us by in a blink of an eye and all we will be left with tons of sorrow and regret. While we would like a date with destiny, our death date is inevitable and our ideals, attitudes, hopes, and dreams will then be history.
Photo Credit: Olya Kobruseva from Pexels
We must be unapologetically ambitious in the pursuit of our dreams. We must listen to the whispers and nudges from God. He will send people our way to help us accomplish our divine purpose. We must ensure that we don’t destroy those relationships which are in alignment with God’s will for our lives. We must remain alert and vigilant because people and opportunities cross our paths at an appointed time. There is always a purpose and a plan and it’s our responsibility to uncover it.
We must live every day with intentionality, focus, purpose, and service. We are to make an impact in the lives of others while on this earth. Someone’s life should be different because they crossed our paths. If we desire to live a fulfilled life, we must also ensure that we are taking care of ourselves (mind, body, and spirit) because no one can fulfill our purpose for us. We must be mindful of what we feed our mind, body, and spirit because we are the chosen vessel. We must also be mindful of the company we keep because association breeds assimilation. Dr. Dharius Daniels said, “we are solely responsible for the stewardship of our own lives, and we cannot be held hostage by the feelings or expectations of others.”
Here are some questions that you should ask yourself to ensure that you are living on purpose.
How are you implementing some form of self-care daily?
How are you seizing each and every moment of your life?
Are you setting daily goals?
Are you putting forth the effort required to accomplish your goals?
Are you adhering to the deadlines you set?
Do you need to re-evaluate your goals?
What skills do you currently possess?
What courses/resources are necessary in to acquire the skills you desire?
What investments need to be made to ensure that you are result-oriented?
Do you need to reevaluate certain relationships?
Are you a procrastinator? If so why?
What will help you to stay in alignment with your vision? (planner, coach, office, housemaid, etc.)
This blog wasn’t meant to scare the life out of you but to scare life into you, before you are faced with death. The only way to truly love your life is to live it completely. You must make each and every day count. Your impact is your responsibility. God didn’t promise you or me tomorrow. Our days are numbered. While it may seem like we have a lifetime to get things right that is the furthest thing from reality. When you find yourself discouraged or disgruntled with life remember someone else wished they had more time yet they had no say on when their clock expired.
Photo Credit: Natasha Fernandez from Pexels