How many of you find it difficult to rest? During a time when the world has all but came to a halt, we have more time to rest, yet some of us are still attempting to complete every task on our to do list. We desire to be booked and busy, yet being busy does not always equate to being productive. Believe it or not, getting rest is productive. Rest is a form of self-care. It is how you can ensure that you are not emitting fumes, toxins, and negative energy onto those around you. Rest allows your cup to be filled, your mind to be renewed, your body revitalized, and your soul refreshed.

According to John MacArthur, rest does not mean you are free from all nuisances and hassles; it means freedom from being so easily bothered by them. The definition of rest is to be inwardly quiet, composed, and peaceful. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, rest is defined as a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities. While these are two varying definitions of rest I believe that I am deserving of experiencing both. 


According to, sleep deprivation is associated to higher body weight in children and adults, bigger appetite, causing a higher consumption of calories, decreased concentration and productivity, decreased physical performance, higher risk of heart disease and stroke, adverse effects on blood sugar depression, impaired immune function, increased inflammation, and reduces your ability to socially interact. To summarize, adequate rest is one of the anchors of optimal health and wellness.  

During this quarantine season, we want to ensure that we are further ahead when we come out of the pandemic than we were when we went into it. Rest is not a luxury, it is a priority. I myself am guilty of not prioritizing rest. Pre COVID 19 I would get 4-6 hours of sleep and be on the go anywhere from 14-16 hours a day.  The only time my body was able to rest without jolting out of bed from the sound of my alarm was on Saturday mornings, but my daughter would wake me up. I was recently told by my doctor that the insomnia I experience nightly is due to my mind not being able to rest.


Once I began to ponder on that conclusion, I realized it to be true. It is a disservice for my body to rest while my mind is going at 100 mph. I still ride the struggle bus from time to time. Yet, I am slowly but surely incorporating rest for myself into my daily routine. Two methods I plan to implement into my self care routine are yoga and meditation. When my body says I am tired, instead of pushing myself past exhaustion, I’m listening. When I cannot accomplish every task on my To Do List, I’m saying, “God willing I can do it tomorrow”. When my daughter doesn’t finish all of her online based learning assignments, I respond by saying, “we will attempt to catch up tomorrow”. I’m learning that I cannot please everyone, and one of the individuals I cannot always please is me. 

I am an overachiever and my own worst critic. I am always striving, which is both a blessing and a detriment. It is a blessing because I am pleased to see my accomplishments, yet a detriment because I am always trying to accomplish more. The outcome is burnout, exhaustion, frustration, overwhelm, overload, and over thinking. You cannot burn a candle at both ends. 


When someone dies we often utter these words “rest in peace”. I desire to rest with peace while I’m still living. I desire both internal and external peace. Internal rest allows you to experience peace even while working. It allows you to navigate and face everyday challenges and demands without panicking, anxiety attacks or worrying. It is peace regardless of my current circumstances. Peace while the whole world is in an uproar as we are currently in the fight of our lives due to the pandemic. 

Anything that impedes your rest mentally, physically, spiritually, socially, and financially must be removed. Drown out the noise. Fight through anything that is attempting to derail your greatness. Sometimes we are sabotaging our greatness with our inner thoughts, doubts, insecurities, and the replaying of failed scenarios in our mind. Turn off the news on the television and radio. Log off and/or deactivate social media. You are running your own race. Don’t compare yourself to others. Change begins on the inside before it manifests on the outside. Commit to doing the work daily. Each day is a new beginning. 


I have come to realize I cannot do it alone. My hope, confidence, faith, strength and endurance come from the Lord. Once I shift my focus from being superwoman, I will experience real rest. Once I relinquish the illusion of being in control, I can rest. Someone once said there is no rest for the weary and no hope for the hopeless. Resting in God allows us to receive the perfect peace that only he can provide. I choose to bet on God with confidence because he hasn’t failed me yet. As a believer I can rest assured. I do not have to worry, panic or become restless because God has everything under control. Rest is essential because I am an essential being, with much more life to live. After God created heaven, earth and everything in between he rested on the seventh day. 

Take a moment to reflect by asking yourself these questions:

• What does rest look like for you? 

• Are you receiving an adequate amount of rest?

• How would you feel if you were able to get more rest?

• How would those around you benefit from you resting more?

• What are some things you need to take a rest from?

Dominique Williams