Photo Credit: Nappy from Pexels

Photo Credit: Nappy from Pexels

We often get into a rhythm where our momentum is going at a full speed, and we are encumbered with exhilaration and then it either slows down or comes to a screeching halt. The trajectory of forward has somehow shifted. And we are perplexed because we cannot place our finger on exactly what went wrong. Allow me to give you six practical tools that will assist you in keeping the momentum going!

1.     Move beyond your LIMITING BELIEFS.

In other words remove the limits because there are no glass ceilings, only odds to be defied and risks to be taken. Moving beyond your limiting beliefs will be challenging and uncomfortable. In order to keep the momentum going, you must endure the process. In moving beyond your limiting beliefs you can experience a limitless reality and live an exponential life! Remove the word impossible from your vocabulary, because the possibilities are endless.

2.     Own your POTENTIAL.

In order to own your potential, you must remove the fears of the unknown. You must also release the excuses and negative self talk such as I can’t, I won’t, and I’m not worthy. Focus less on accolades and acceptance. Owning your potential requires you to stand out and often times be misunderstood. When you own your potential you will be fully operable and executing the gifts which were given to you, and only you!

3.     Celebrate your WINS!

Don’t be so busy trying to accomplish your next goal that you forget to celebrate the progress you’ve made, and that you are currently making. Don’t sabotage your success by minimizing its value. Enjoy how far you’ve come. While you may not be where you desire to be, you are not where you once were because you are always evolving. When you fail to celebrate your wins, you are overwhelmed with feelings of unfulfillment, defeat, and despair. Celebrating your wins allow you to continue striving towards greatness.

Photo Credit:  Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

Photo Credit: Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

4.     Be willing to LEARN.

Learning requires one to actively listen. It requires one to say I don’t have all the answers, maybe you’re right, or I never looked at it in that manner. Learning provides clarity and makes you better than you were before. When you have truly learned you will make well-informed decisions. Learning isn’t a sprint but a journey that never ends regardless if you are learning about yourself, others, or acquiring a new behavior/skill.

5.     Embrace the eagle MENTALITY.

Eagles soar alone and do so with ease. When keeping your momentum going everyone cannot come along. In realizing and operating in this mental shift you are not disloyal. Some people must remain in your past so that you may make room for your future! Trying to live up to others’ expectations of you will keep you stuck. If you desire to soar to heights beyond your imagination the eagle mentality is nonnegotiable.

Photo Credit: Wayne Lee-Sing on Unsplash

Photo Credit: Wayne Lee-Sing on Unsplash

6.     Stop dimming your LIGHT.

Stop dimming your light in fear of outshining others. Decide that the light God placed on your life was meant to shine and shine bright! It is the light that you possess that will light up a dark path for others. When your light is shining it’s not uncommon for people to become jealous of your success. Their envy is a reflection of their insecurities. Turning down your light won’t make them feel less threatened because they are consumed with comparison and competition. The moon is not jealous of the sun, and the sun is not jealous of the moon because they shine exactly when they are supposed to. Shine in every way, every day because that’s what you were born to do.

Feel free to implement these tools and any other tools you deem beneficial to keeping the momentum going. Similar to planes we want to take off into the sky soaring in high altitudes not plummet headfirst into the abyss. We don’t want to start, stop, and start again. We want to start strong, maintain a steady pace, and finish strong. After all, winners win by putting their foot on the gas and never letting up until the marathon is complete.

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Dominique M. Williams is a Mother, Registered Nurse, Blogger, Editor In Chief, Author, Speaker, Certified Life Coach, and Founder of Inspiring & Empowering Ladies LLC. Dominique's mission is to inspire, empower, and enrich the lives of others daily.  Inspiring and Empowering Ladies is an organization striving to ensure that girls and women develop a greater sense of self through self-love, self-worth, confidence, self-esteem, and know how to cultivate healthy relationships. To learn more about Dominique click here


Dominique Williams