Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels
I have definitely struggled to find balance, and I am sure many of you can relate. As women, we are fulfilling multiple roles including mom, wife, sister, daughter, auntie, friend, nurturer, encourager, entrepreneur, career woman, etc. For many of us, who we are at our core is buried. Not all of our responsibilities are in alignment with our purpose.
Recently, I have discovered that instead of struggling to find balance I need to focus on creating harmony. Balance requires very hard work while harmony allows things to flow with minimal effort. We tend to force things when we should allow them to flow. The pressure to create balance and be close to perfection is intense. I am not willing to drive myself crazy in a quest to find balance. We are programmed to want it all and once we acquire what we think we desire, we are often still unsatisfied.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Balance is heavy and a form of bondage. Harmony is light and provides you with freedom and flexibility. We must learn how to relinquish control and enjoy the journey. In life, there will be many things that are out of our control. A prime example is our new normal which has been heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. We must be alright with relaxing the restrictions, restraints, and rigidity. We must know when to pivot because life is always throwing curveballs. The pivot is preparation for what is to come, yet we don’t like it because it forces us to walk in unknown territory. Our plans are often derailed, canceled, or rearranged because although we plan, God decides.
More times than not, our plans are nothing more than distractions while God is trying to teach us discipline. Discipline and surrender are required to fulfill our God-given purpose. Harmony allows you to be in agreement instead of being at odds. According to James 4:17, it is sinful to know our purpose yet refuse to walk in it. Life will often give us nudges to push us in the right direction, yet it is up to us to listen. I often refer to these nudges as God’s whisper. It’s hard to hear that whisper amongst chaos, distractions and noise. Distractions are often dangerous. I’m not sure about you, but the cost is too high not to walk in my purpose. Trying it my way, according to my plans and my thoughts, hasn’t gotten me very far. I’ve never been one to settle in the arena of mediocrity. Once my number is called, I want to be known for finishing strong.
Harmony is what will allow me to finish strong. Harmony promotes overall well-being. Harmony allows me to be true to myself and the things which I consider essential. Harmony provides a lifeline while balance forces me to remember a deadline that must be met. The struggle to find balance occurs because not all things require the same amount of effort and attention. Our time cannot be spent beating ourselves up and living in regret. As a result of our expectations of ourselves and the opinions of others, we end up being extremely disappointed. Balance makes life more complex.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
I desire peace, simplicity, sanity and harmony. I desire to not only do but become the best version of myself. Life is our best teacher. It is always providing us with lessons. The lessons it provides are instrumental to our evolution. When the instructor gives the test, I choose the answers based on my understanding of the lesson taught. For this lesson, select all does not apply. I must choose the best answer. While balance works for some, harmony works best for me.