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At 22 years old, Tiera Fletcher began working at NASA as the Structural Rocket Design and Analytical Engineer. Fletcher is currently working on the rocket that is intended to take people to MARS. Tiera must test and retest the rocket because she will essentially have the astronauts’ lives in her hands. That is a huge responsibility, one that keeps Tierra accountable and humbled. She possessed the zeal to be an aerospace engineer at a very young age, which influenced the subjects she studied and the high school she attended. Fletcher commuted an hour to attend Wheeler High school for their engineering program, which launched her dreams. She thoroughly enjoyed all subjects focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, choosing math over recess. 

Fletcher was raised in a small town near Atlanta, GA. Fletcher credits her success to her parents, her mother an accountant and father a construction worker. She became fascinated with military planes and once she attended a science and engineering camp, her parents not only realized but begin acting on her potential to cultivate greatness. Fletcher graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering in June 2017 with a 5.0 GPA. 

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Tiera aims to help upcoming generations to realize and achieve their dreams. She also plans to create an organization for low income students that will inspire them to reach their goals. Tiera recently went back to her alma mater, Lindley Middle School in Mableton Georgia, to speak to the students interested in STEM. The principal declared March 29th, Tiera Fletcher Day. Tiera wants to see more diversity in her field. Tiera chose the word tenacity as the word to best represent her because she is determined to achieve her dreams. Her drive comes from the significance of her work. Fletcher states “The best part is knowing that what I’m building is going to affect the world and mankind. This rocket can really change what we visualize as possible.” As a result of Fletcher’s innovation, Mars can be colonized and the potential of a whole new world will be open to us.

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Fletcher’s word of advice for others aspiring to pursue their dreams is, “You have to keep a clear focus on your dream and never let anybody stop you. No matter how long it takes or what you face in the process keep moving on and in the end, you will succeed.” Tiera advises that you should expect obstacles throughout the journey. The women depicted in the film Hidden Figures Christine Darden (engineer), Mary Jackson (engineer), Katherine Johnson (mathematician), and Dorothy Vaughn (computer programmer) inspired her as it is her favorite movie. She is the Hidden Figures women of this decade! 

Tiera has received some prominent awards: 

• In 2017 Good Housekeeping’s Awesome Woman Award (An award that recognizes women who are impacting the world for the better by overcoming social constraints and influencing the world around them.)

• In 2017 Albert G. Hill Prize at MIT (A prize which recognizes students in their junior/senior year who have excelled academically and impacted the environment at MIT in a way that improves campus climate for other minorities.)

• In 2019 Most Promising Engineer (An engineering award, which was given at the 2019 Black Engineer of The Year Awards.) 

Tiera is a testament that the sky is not the limit, aerospace is! Tiera focused on her subject matter, worked (is currently still working very hard), and plans to help others along the way. Tiera said the biggest challenge to achieving success was believing in herself, yet she was able to overcome when doubt attempted to stop her from leveling up. Tiera is married to a fellow engineer, Myron Fletcher, and they have a son. I look forward to all of the accomplishments Tiera will achieve as a tenacious and young African American woman.

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Dominique Williams