As mothers, we work, cook, clean, run errands, get little sleep, eat on the go, discipline, nurture, spread love, protect, provide, teach, volunteer, and sacrifice our needs and desires for our children. 43 year old single mother Latonya Young is very familiar with the duties of motherhood. She worked as a cosmetologist during the day and an Uber driver by night when she experienced a life changing encounter from a complete stranger. Her dream of obtaining her college degree was on hold until she picked up Kevin Esch from the Mercedes Benz Stadium after attending an Atlanta United game as an Uber driver. During the ride, Latonya and passenger began talking and she shared some of her life with Mr. Esch. 


At the age of 16, she had to drop out of high school to raise her first child. She was forced to drop out of college because of a $700 unpaid balance to Georgia State University. Young recalls “Every time I got ready to pay the money, the kids needed something.” Once again, she made the choice to place her dreams on hold for the well-being of her children. A scenario I can relate to well as a single mother residing in Atlanta, Georgia.   

In 2006, at 17 years old, I left my hometown of Akron, Ohio and came to Atlanta to pursue my dream of attending and graduating from the one and only Spelman College, miles and miles away from family and friends. While I earned many academic scholarships to cover the majority of my tuition and room and board totaling $32,000 a year, I found myself being threatened with being kicked out before Christmas break. After all, I had no job, didn’t come from money, and wasn’t able to obtain credit or a loan solely. I worked the entire summer after my senior year just to be able to furnish my room and purchase books. For graduation, my dad sent me $500 and with that I bought my first laptop. My dad cosigned on a personal loan for me to cover the balance. Being that this occurred, I wasn’t sure how I would be able to attend Spelman my sophomore, junior and senior years. My grades were good, but that was the case for most of the Spelman students as they only accept the cream of the crop. 

In April of 2017, a few weeks shy of successfully completing my freshman year, I became terribly ill with kidney stones. I was barely able to walk upright, eat or bathe myself. It was frightening. My amazing sister friend, Whitnee Denece, called my mother and walked me over to the campus infirmary after a night of projectile vomiting and busted blood vessels. My mother drove from Akron, Ohio to Atlanta, Georgia to pick me up. My African Diaspora and the World teacher, I believe her name was Sabrina, offered for me to stay with her for the remainder of the year. I was truly grateful especially since she had just met me in January, and I thought she was a phenomenal professor. However, I declined as I didn’t want to impose. That is one decision I deeply regret. 

I was devastated to say the least because my dreams were literally being ripped from me and there was nothing I could do. I defied so many obstacles to make my dream a reality, but it would not manifest. I often questioned why up until recently when I decided that I will go back to Spelman College and major in Comparative Women’s Studies with a disciplinary focus. While I don’t currently know where the resources will come from, I serve a God of abundance whose resources are infinite and possibilities are limitless! I filled out the application, and I will be able to submit it soon. One thing Spelman College and the city of Atlanta did was empower me and I refuse to be disempowered or discouraged for too long! I am a woman of resilience and perseverance, and an avid believer that a dream deferred is not a dream denied. 

A few days after the Uber ride, Young received a call from Georgia State University stating she could register for classes. She was flabbergasted that a complete stranger was making her hopes of graduating actuality. Latonya ensured that she maintained good grades as she was truly appreciative of the opportunity to finish college and get her degree. Kevin also attended Young’s graduation where she earned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice. She plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the near future. Young aspires to become a lawyer one day. Mr. Esch stated that “Latonya Young is an inspiration and he’s blessed to have had the opportunity to help her”.


Latonya Young’s hard work paid off when she least expected it to. That Uber ride changed her life and positioned her for where she is today. I can only imagine how proud Young’s children are of her drive, discipline and determination. We should treat everyone we meet with kindness, love and respect because we never know the battles they are currently facing! I am so happy for Latonya Young and grateful for Kevin Esch, who restored the love and compassion that often lacks among human beings with that random act of kindness and generosity. Both Young and Esch are inspiring individuals across the globe!

Dominique Williams