
Count Your Blessings: A Gratitude Journal

Often times we get caught up in life that we forget to express gratitude. We are too busy worrying, complaining and trying to fix things to enjoy the present moment. We are always looking towards the future with plans. We forget to smell the roses. We don?t miss what we have until it?s gone. We are busy counting our problems instead of counting our blessings. We often take for granted the very things that we were once praying for. We get caught up in the idea of being busy instead of being productive. When is the last time you were still long enough to breathe in the fresh air, hear the leaves blow in the wind, listen to the birds sing or feel the warmth of the sun on your skin? When is the last time you put your phone down or turned the television off and took a moment to reflect? This journal is a solution to being ungrateful, discontent and greedy.