As human beings we are stronger unified than we are divided. While that proves to be true, as human beings we too often lack compassion when interacting with others. We don’t always treat others the way we’d like to be treated. While people travel miles away to attend a funeral of a family/friend to pay our respects and give condolences, a mother giving birth of a baby is met with excitement, congratulations, balloons, flowers etc, someone diagnosed with cancer or another potentially fatal illness is met with the deepest sympathy and genuine compassion, the human race tends to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to those experiencing a job loss, divorce, or battling an addiction.


When dealing with life stressors we strive to be met with support, but instead we are often met with opposition, judgment, and criticism. People are quick to tell you that “you should get over it already”, which is very insensitive and discomforting. We forget the kind words or gestures we would like to receive at any given moment. We never know what others may be going through, which is why we must remember not to be a Grinch, but to be sweet instead of sour, spreading cheer instead of cruelty.

Mother Teresa once said “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ”Kind words make a world of difference. As human beings we like to be desired, cherished, loved, affirmed, and respected.  Throughout my life tenure I’ve been met with cruelty more times than I can count and I’m sure many of you can relate. I’ve made it my priority to express gratitude, kindness, and compassion daily. One’s life is not significant unless it has a positive impact on others. And it begins with the choices that we make consistently.

When operating in the Christmas spirit we are more apt to give and show love. It would be amazing if we had a jovial spirit 365 days a year. It would be great if we would extend the same grace and mercy we would like to receive. We tend to be the judge and juror towards others, instead of placing ourselves in their shoes. We tend to remember negative experiences more than positive ones because of the sting they deliver. I desire to be remembered by others for expressing love instead of inflicting pain all year long.


Take the time to be kind to everyone you come in contact with as much as humanly possible through words and deeds. Love is one of the greatest gifts to give and receive. Greet others with a smile, give them a genuine compliment, and provide empathy. It’s an investment that will prove worthwhile and it will cost you nothing. The world needs more love and less hate. Lao Tzu once said “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” Remember to continuously spread love and cheer that extends beyond the Christmas season.  

12 Ways to Spread Christmas Cheer

1. Adopt a family for Christmas to provide food for.

2. Donate to a worthy cause/or charity.

3. Volunteer your time.

4. Provide an experience that will create lifelong memories.

5. Leave a significant tip for your server when dining at a restaurant.

6. Travel to visit family/friends for the holidays.

7. Host a toy/coat drive.

8. Send out holiday cards and include a personalized message/photo.

9. Participate in a Secret Santa among your coworkers/friends.

10. Give toys to children with parent/parents incarcerated.

11. Rekindle a relationship with a loved one.

12. Bake cookies and take them to a hospital/nursing home.

Dominique Williams