Photo by Tamarcus Brown on Unsplash

Dear Black Man,

I stand with you.

I stand beside you.

I stand behind you. 

Dear Black Man,

You are deserving.

You are worthy.

You are wise.

You are charismatic.

You are brilliant.

You are handsome.

You are a descendant of kings. 

Photo by JD  Mason on Unsplash

Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Dear Black Man,

I appreciate you for all that you are.

I appreciate you for all that you do, big and small. 

Dear Black Man,

Your power is immense. 

You are powerful in silence.

You are powerful when taking a knee.

You are powerful when walking.

You are powerful when jogging.

You are powerful when speaking. 

The attacks on your life and livelihood validate your power and strength.

Dear Black Man,

Your pain hasn’t been overlooked.

Your adversity hasn’t been disregarded.

Your tragedy hasn’t gone unnoticed. 

Dear Black Man,

I am here for you when the sun shines.

I am here for you when the sky cries.

I am here for you in each and every season. 

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

Dear Black Man,

I vow to speak life into you.

I vow to respect you.

I vow not to mistreat you. 

I vow to acknowledge my faults.

I vow to follow your lead.

I vow to be your peace in the midst of the storm. 

Dear Black Man,

I adore you.

I honor you.

I value you.

I love you. 

Photo by Jay Mullings on Unsplash

Dear Black Man,

You are anointed.

You are destined.

You are blessed. 

Photo by Kay on Unsplash

Photo by Kay on Unsplash

Dear Black Man,

As a black woman, I have no idea what it is like to be a black man.

Being black is not a crime.

 Yet due to the color of your skin you are faced with racism, hatred, injustice, police brutality, and death time after time. 

Dear Black Man,

You are loving.

You are tender.

You are gentle.

You are caring.

You are kind.

You are strong.

You are responsible.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Dear Black Man,

You are a protector.

You are a survivor.

You are a provider. 

Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

Dear Black Man,

You are discerning.

You are peaceful.

You are funny.

You are  brave.

Dear Black Man,

I will extend my ears to listen to you.

I will extend my arms to console you.

I will extend grace to you.

I will extend empathy towards you.

I will extend forgiveness to you. 

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

Dear Black Man,

You are a brother.

You are a father.

You are an uncle.

You are a nephew. 

You are a husband.

You are a grandfather.

You are the patriarch of your family.

You are an integral part of your community.

Your presence is like no other. 

We deeply mourn your absence. 

Dear Black Man,

The world will know your name because of the light of your life.

The world will know your name because of the greatness you possess.

The world will know your name because you will break the generational curses which once plagued your family. 


Your Queen, A Black Woman

Photo by Shawnee D on Unsplash

Photo by Shawnee D on Unsplash

Dominique Williams