One morning before work I was scrolling on Facebook and I stumbled across our very own Kimberly Nichole Johnson’s post. In this post, she wrote about being diagnosed with breast cancer with her husband Devan Johnson by her side on her oldest son’s birthday. Kimberly was one of the honorees being honored (Pink Lady Honors) for being a breast cancer survivor. Kim’s post said something that spoke to me, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate. Early detection is important and breast cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence.


I am a firm believer in divine alignment. Therefore, my scrolling on Facebook that morning wasn’t senseless. It gave me an opportunity to highlight my She Wins Society sister, Kimberly Nichole Johnson! I look forward to meeting Kimberly in person and connecting with her as she is a living testament of faith and God being forever faithful even in the midst of a storm! I reached out to Kimberly via Facebook messenger and the rest is history! To say that her testimony is empowering is an understatement! I commend her strength, resilience and ability to persevere no matter what! 

Kimberly Nicole Johnson is the Founder/CEO of Incredible Creations Beauty & Barbershop. She is a published author and life enrichment coach, encouraging others to keep going and face life head-on so that they can walk in their true assignment and purpose. 

In 2004, Johnson and her husband founded the first black-owned and operated husband and wife business in the Over The Rhine community. Incredible Creations Barbershop and Salon is still thriving a decade and a half later, a feat that has defied many odds.

In 2014, Johnson battled breast cancer, and WON! A true testament to her faith in God, & dedication, Johnson has never been one to give up and proved that no matter the circumstances, she would prevail.

In 2016, Johnson faced another setback when her husband, friend, and business partner, Devan, suddenly passed away. After taking an uppercut from cancer, this tragic event seemed like a cruel gut punch. Despite the hardship, Kimberly did not waiver, and as she's always done, she found a way to flourish amongst all the pain.


In 2017, Kimberly became the Founder/CEO of Unleashing The Power Of Greatness LLC, which is an enrichment brand. She is a powerful motivational speaker, inspiring and encouraging others that "Life can and will go on, and it will be amazing despite what the past looked like. Your past does not have to dictate your future.” Johnson says she channeled her adversity into writing, releasing her first book in 2018, “Walking Without My Cane” a life enrichment, motivational story of triumph and strength. Kimberly’s second book “Walking Unscripted” is set to release in 2020. 

Kimberly leads life coaching sessions through her PUSH program. She also teaches through her Moment By Moment: The Pivotal P.U.S.H Workshop and has her own podcast, Unleashing the Power of Greatness. 

What are your thoughts after reading this quote: “No matter what, progress keeps marching forward?”-unknown.

I think it’s true because life waits for no one; it never stops moving even if we do.

How would your friends describe you?

They would describe me as being a true faith walker; they know that I am walking completely with God. They would say I am strong, courageous, giving, selfless, loving, determined. They think I’m a superstar. 

How do you make your days count, knowing that our time is a limited resource?

I live full and I try very hard not to allow others to rob me of my peace. I'm not always successful at that, but I truly believe in being in the moment and fully trusting God's plan. I understand that we are here for a purpose so my mission is to fully operate in mine.

How do you honor the progress you’ve made? How do you celebrate where you are while remaining grateful for where you are going?

Honestly, I give God all the glory because I would not be where I am right now. Especially since my husband’s unexpected and sudden transition just 2 years after we completed everything, which knocked me back off my feet. I honor where I am by honoring God and my late husband. And I celebrate where I am by being grateful and again living brave and full. I am excited about what God is doing in my life. I am a true faith walker. 

When you were diagnosed with breast cancer, did you have to get any invasive surgeries, undergo chemo or radiation? If so how did you go about readopting a positive body image?

Yes, I went through six rounds of chemotherapy. I had a double mastectomy, and twenty five days of radiation. When you go through something like this, it robs every aspect of your life. I’m so thankful to God that I had an amazing husband who also spoke into me, reminding that I was still beautiful with no hair, boobs different, and everything else that comes with it. Being that I was a stylist for over 26 years, I always kept myself up. No one knew unless we told them because I made sure that I still loved myself.

If you had to name the chapter of your life when you were diagnosed with breast cancer, what would it be? 

“The test before the lesson”

What is one of the songs you like to listen to when you need to be empowered?

I love music so it’s hard to narrow it down to one song. I listen to music all throughout my day. But I will say Brian Courtney Wilson “Just Obey” is one out of the thousands of songs on my playlist. 

In regards to being a breast cancer survivor what is your favorite quote?

“You never know how strong you are until you have to know how strong you are.”

What would you say has been your greatest adventure? 

I think it’s where I am now. Again, my husband unexpectedly transitioned just two years after we completed that Breast Cancer journey due to a motorcycle accident. I didn’t know how I would continue. But God being God reached down and put his arms around me. God whispered for me to trust Him, because what He has for me is going to be amazing. My life has been a full fledged adventure as I am a published author, life enrichment coach, speaker and so much more. Since 2016 I’ve done so much! 

If you had to choose between sunrise and sunset, which would you choose and why?

I think it depends on the day. But thinking from this moment I would say sunset, because it signifies that I made it through another day with purpose. Not to mention I think the sunset is absolutely beautiful, it says “well done & good job” it also says “its okay, try again tomorrow”

What is one thing that you incorporate in your life daily?

When I wake up each day, before I step one foot out of the bed, I pray and spend time with God. Then I play my worship music.

How do you protect your peace?

I pray for peace and I am very mindful of who and what I allow to interfere, but sometimes I can’t catch it all. 


What is something you had to leave behind to go to the next level?

I left behind certain people and the fear that can be attached to moving forward. Especially since I was forced to move forward alone without my Devan.

What is your definition of beauty? 

Beauty comes from the inside. When someone’s soul is good and beautiful, it will show on the outside. It isn’t necessarily about the outer appearance because we all know someone who’s beautiful on the exterior, but the inside is ugly.

What does being a breast cancer warrior mean to you?

Honestly, a warrior is someone actively fighting. But a survivor is someone who fought and won. I am a survivor because I’ve won the fight!

At what age and stage were you diagnosed with breast cancer?

I was 43 years old and in stage 2 when I was diagnosed.

Have you made any lifestyle changes since being diagnosed with breast cancer?

Yes, I’m very in tune and mindful about what I eat and what I put in my body. I exercise and try to keep stress to an all time low.

What would you say to someone who is currently fighting breast cancer?

I would say keep pushing, speak life into yourself, because your attitude and faith is a big part of being healed/cured. 

What’s your favorite food? What’s your favorite movie? What is your favorite color? What’s your favorite flower? What’s your favorite scent? What’s your favorite sports team?

Favorite Food - Salmon/Crab legs 

Favorite Movies - Love Jones and The Wiz 

Favorite Color –Pink

Favorite Flower -Roses 

Favorite Scent - (for my home) anything kind of masculine because it reminds me of my husband 

Favorite Sports Team - None

Do you prefer to be in the mountains or on the beach? Please provide a rationale? 

I prefer the beach - I love the sun, water, sand, the smell of the ocean. I like to walk barefoot in the water. Water is grounding and you’re able to really feel the elements and get centered.

What’s next for you?

More motivational speaking and my enrichment coaching, also continuing to grow bigger. My company, Unleashing the Power of Greatness is becoming a 6 figure brand. My first book “Walking Without My Cane” was published and released October 4, 2017, and my second book will be out February 2, 2020. I am traveling, sharing my powerful story, and teaching others how to PUSH with my workshop, Moment By Moment: The Pivotal PUSH.  I also have a podcast on all digital outlets called “Unleashing The Power Of Greatness”.

How can readers get in contact with you? 

I can be reached through my website www.kimberlynicolejohnson.com.

Instagram: www.instagram.com/icdiamonds

Facebook: www.facebook.com/KimberlyNicoleJohnson

Dominique Williams