Photo Credit: Prateek Katyal from Unsplash

Photo Credit: Prateek Katyal from Unsplash

Beating the odds is not always linked to a marathon, sporting event, or competition. We all have some obstacles that are thrown in our path that we must overcome. We all have some lessons to learn. We all have an innate purpose to fulfill.  We beat the odds daily but not by our own merit or grace. We often tend to take for granted that whenever we excel in any facet that it is for no other reason than that God has given us the grace to do so. We are all living witnesses of God’s promises and a minister of God’s grace.

We beat the odds by returning home safely daily after traveling by car, bus, or plane. We beat the odds by beating an illness that took the lives of others. We beat the odds when we desire to give up yet we continue to persevere. As a result of the adversity, we face we have the ability to bloom. All of our lives take us on a journey, planned and unplanned. I’ve come to learn by experience that resilience isn’t a character trait but a lifestyle. In your struggle, you’ll gain strength. Sometimes that strength is for you, other times that strength is for others. Those very things which came to break you down contributed to building you up.

Photo Credit: Pixabay from Pexels

Photo Credit: Pixabay from Pexels

Throughout your life, you may not have witnessed many examples of success yet that doesn’t have to be your story. When your plan from A-Z is to win you can’t possibly lose. When one plan falls through, go back to the drawing board so that you may move forward. The experience you gained from each plan is invaluable and prepping you for your future to beat the next odd. You may think the odds are stacked against you but God’s grace is more than sufficient. As a result, you can play with the cards you were dealt and come out victorious!

In the midst of the twists, turns, detours, and disappointments keep in mind what you have beaten in the past and what you are currently beating. Keeping these real-life experiences at the forefront of your mind will allow you to continue moving in the right direction, forward. For every problem, there is a solution, instead of contemplating all of your potential problems contemplate the possible solutions. It’s been said that success is not absolute and failure is not lethal because persistence is required for success to become a habit!

Photo Credit: Dorothea OLDANI from Unsplash

Photo Credit: Dorothea OLDANI from Unsplash

Below are some manifestations and affirmations which can be personalized.


I beat the odds when

I am currently beating the odds by

I will continue beating the odds by

Grace and mercy are bestowed upon me


The odds aren’t stacked against me!

I am solution-oriented.

I embody success and strength.

Dominique Williams